Till end of shift

Get Z read

Enter your clerk number
Z read

Get card machine total

Press F
Scroll down to reports-> enter
Select summary -> enter
0000 -> enter

Count change float, if necessary adjust using money from till

Count  coins and notes in drawer,  to make a float of €450.00 and fill in book

Fill out till sheet

Count notes and coin left over and enter in till sheet
Add up room charges and enter in till sheet
Add up Crover gift voucher charges and enter in till sheet

Enter total card sales
Enter total of above
Enter the NET SALES figure from the Z read

Subtract NET SALES  figure from your total to get the till variance.

€450 float back in bag and change float to drop behind reception

All room charge receipts to reception

Takings, till sheet Z read etc all in money bag and drop into safe in spirit store